
June 12, 2023

I studied electrical engineering at Caltech. I spent most of my time there in the sub-basement of Moore with a cadre of other passionate undergrads and grad students.

I’ve worked in startups for the last 10+ years designing, building, debugging, and testing high performance embedded systems including:

  1. Custom mono- and stereo-vision systems including optics, imagers, and DSP/FPGAs.
  2. Motor controls for heliostats
  3. Robotic control systems for fruit harvesting systems.
  4. Telemetry systems for fleet management and monitoring applications.


  • PCBA design Altium, Kicad, JITx
  • Software development Python, golang
  • Firmware development C
  • FPGA developement VHDL
  • Linux kernel development
  • System architecture design


  1. Communication - In a group of N people, there are N! vectors of communication. Your voice is only N-1 of those vectors. Unless N=1, you are not the majority contributor.
  2. Diligence - Correctness is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The goal is what matters.
  3. Fullfillment - The feeling of satisfaction when accomplishing a goal and improving others lives in the process.

Carl Allendorph is an electrical engineer in San Diego, CA.
